Strange (good) reaction to andrographis

Dear Stephen,
I recently decided to start your protocol. I first started with cat’s claw then introduced andrographis. An hour after my first dose of andro (two 400mg caps of the brand “pukka”) I had the most amazing reaction: I felt GREAT. I’m normally pessimistic, anxious and introverted; I suddenly became positive, relaxed and chatty. I could actualy feel all sort of positive energies going through my body, I also felt a sort of pleasant tingling of every inch of my skin: I was “high”, ecstatic. I suppose it’s positive but I also find it quite disturbing, so much that I’m actually wondering whether I should continue taking the andro. Have other patients ever reported such reactions? Is it a sign that the treatment is working or do you think it is unrelated? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Many thanks and best regards.

Stephen’s response:
Please see my last answer re: andrographis. But your experience sounds nice to me, and makes me want to take some immediately.
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posted on August 1, 2007 in andrographis, Herb Reactions, Herbs, other

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