Oil of cajeput

Dear Stephen,
Have you heard of oil of cajeput? Would it help with killing spirochetes? When I first started taking it (before I knew I had lyme) my nutritionist/ND told me to take 4 droppers at a time. I did so and I felt TERRIBLE! She said that it was die-off of yeast. I am wondering if it was die-off of the spirochetes?

Stephen’s response:
Oil of cajeput is very similar to tea tree oil; it is from a close relative. If this truly was the essential oil that you were taking, the dose was exceptionally high. Normally essential oils, if taken internally at all, are in 1-5 drop dosages. While direct application of the oil would kill spirochetes, taken internally I would think it only of minor help unless the infection was in the GI tract.
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posted on October 2, 2007 in Herbs, miscellaneous

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