Low ferritin and artemisinin

Dear Stephen,
Hi Stephen! Hope this finds you happy and well! I have heard that low ferritin levels prohibit a person from effectively utilizing artemisinin in the body. I have babesia but do not herx at all on artemisinin. I thought my low ferritin level (23) might be why. What do you think? I have tried supplementing with iron but my levels don’t rise. What could be causing this and what can I do about it? Thanks a bunch!

Stephen’s response:
I would use cryptolepis tincture rather than artemisinin for babesia in this case, see other queries on this site for more info.

I would suggest using herbs rather than a supplement: try an infusion (a strong, overnight steeped tea basically) of alfalfa, green oats, nettle and yellow dock. 3 parts nettle leaf, 1 part oats and alfalfa, 1/2 part yellow dock root (i.e. 1 ounce oats and alfalfa, 3 ounces nettle, 1/2 ounce yellow dock root). Drink 3 cups or so during the day for a couple of weeks. That should help your iron levels rise. Other help: vitamin c, tofu regularly, miso soup. All will help iron/ferritin levels rise.

I have not heard that low ferritin levels interfere with artemisinin.

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posted on February 19, 2007 in artemisinin, babesia, Co-Infections, cryptolepis, Herbs, miscellaneous

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