Lomatium long-term?

Dear Stephen,
In your last post on Lomatium dissectum, you indicated that it might not be good to take it long-term. May I ask what harmful side-effects you are thinking of? I’ve been on antibiotics for chronic lyme and probably mild babesia for 4 1/2 years, on herbals for 2 1/2 years, and on lomatium extract, (30 drops x 1 or 2 per day), for about 1 year and have no plans to stop. It seems to help with the background viruses. Do you think I should stop taking it? In general I take high doses of everything without apparent harm. (Except alkaloids, they give me tendon pains.) Thank you very much!

Stephen’s response:
Well, if it works for you and you have that kind of tolerance then it seems an okay choice. I consider the plant more of a drug plant than a moderate medicinal which is why I suggest short term use. I generally use it less than 30 days. Some people who use it in high dose or long term experience pretty severe hives. Still, if it works for you, go for it.
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posted on October 26, 2009 in Herb Reactions, Herbs, miscellaneous, rash

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