Lomatium for flu virus

Dear Stephen,
I live in a community where most people got sick with some viral flu like thing beginning of May, and most of the people who didn’t get sick then got sick 2 weeks ago, except the kids; they didn’t get sick at all. Both times it has tested negative for swine flu. But it causes severe flu symptoms in summer, so whatever it is, it’s contagious and seemingly viral. In Healing Lyme, you mentioned andrographis having been used for Spanish 1918 flu, I am thinking of trying it with the remaining people who are sick. One healthy woman has been ill for 15 days with a high temperature, migraine, and weakness, and most others are healing, but slowly. Any thoughts of other herbs to add with andrographis?

Stephen’s response:
I would highly suggest lomatium dissectum tincture. Here is a tincture formulation I use (you may have trouble getting all these): lomatium (1 tsp), pleurisy root (2 tsp), elecampagne (2 tsp), usnea (2 tsp), skunk cabbage (1 tsp), marshmallow (1 tsp). Mix together and take every hour in acute conditions (1/4 tsp). All the herbs will help, however the most essential is the lomatium. It is very strong. I don’t normally suggest it be taken by itself.
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posted on May 26, 2010 in Co-Infections, Herbs, Miscellaneous, miscellaneous, other diagnoses, viral infections

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