Feeling emotionally flat

Dear Stephen,
I have had chronic lyme and babesia for over 16 years and am disabled by it. I’ve been on antibiotics way too long (10 years) so I am looking to try the herbs you recommend. One symptom that really bothers me and makes me unsociable is feeling mentally flat and disconnected, with a lack of motivation. Would any of the herbs help with this symptom and if so, what do you think causes these symptoms? Is it injury to the brain and neurons? I often wonder if I have some brain damage because I also have problems executing tasks that require higher levels of functioning, like cooking a dinner, driving a car, etc. I cannot do these things anymore and I am so frustrated by that. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Stephen’s response:
The things I would suggest are massage and eleutherococcus tincture to begin with. There are a lot of factors that can influence this and so it isn’t possible to make a blanket statement about it. In addition to massage and eleuthero I would highly suggest the use of the brain herbs I discuss in the Healing Lyme book. Specifically: knotweed, vincamine, huperzine A, and especially gingko.
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posted on September 16, 2007 in eleutherococcus, emotional, Herbs, neuro/brain fog, Symptoms

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