Stephania root eye decoction

Dear Stephen,
I am about to start your protocol for lyme but I am unsure how to prepare the eye decoction you describe in your book. I have the stephania root powder. Can you advise me on how to prepare and apply it please. I have many eye problems from lyme and nothing seems to be working. Many thanks.

Stephen’s response:
I describe the decoction on page 152 of the Healing Lyme book, second paragraph. However you can make a smaller amount of an infusion, which is a bit less strong than the decoction, by putting two tablespoons of stephania in one cup of water, bringing it to a boil, then turning off the heat and letting it stand covered overnight. Strain the infusion the next day and use as eyedrops as a wash in the eye. This is also best if accompanied by taking the tincture (also on page 152 of Healing Lyme) internally, 1/2 tsp 3x daily.
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posted on September 27, 2007 in eyes/ears/nose/mouth, Herbs, stephania root, Symptoms

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