Estrogen dominance and andrographis

Dear Stephen,
I am interested in beginning your lyme core protocol to complement my antibiotic treatment. Lyme has had a very detrimental effect on my hormonal system, and I have very low levels of estrogen and progesterone, although my estrogen levels are higher, which makes me estrogen dominant. I am concerned about andrographis’ potential effects on my progesterone levels. Should I avoid this herb altogether? Is there another herb I can take in conjunction with andrographis that would ameliorate its effects on my progesterone levels? Should I supplement with progesterone cream? What would you suggest? Thanks!

Stephen’s response:
The caution regarding andrographis and progesterone in the book is specific for pregnancy. That an herb is considered an abortifacient does not mean it will necessarily cause an abortion or prevent pregnancy just that it might. You can still use the herb, I don’t think it will affect your condition negatively. However, you might consider using some herbal formulas for increasing estrogen levels, many of the menopause formulas will do this quite nicely. I would recommend a Google search as this is not my general area of knowledge.
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posted on February 5, 2011 in andrographis, Herbs, hormonal issues, Symptoms

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