Eleuthero as preventive for small kids?

Dear Stephen,
Your core protocol herbs plus a few others (mostly cleansers) cured my daughter last year of an acute Borrelia infection in less than 2 months! She became totally symptomless, while amoxyciline had failed. It was amazing! Thank you again! She is now 3, and I’m giving her a few bee products daily: propolis, honey, a product called Biprolex with pollen and sometimes I add royal jelly in small amounts. I am a bit afraid of giving her your suggested preventive protocol as andrographis is a strong herb. Besides, it’s so bitter, it’s difficult to make a small kid take it 3 times a day ONLY as preventive for so many months…I thought then to add astragalus to the bee products when the tick season starts (1 pill a day from Plan. Herb) and possibly eleuthero tincture? Or astragalus only + bee products above would be enough to stimulate her immune system, no need to add eleuthero (too strong immune boosting)? She weighs about 15 kg (about 33 pounds). How much would be best to take? About 20 drops a day at once (of the American tincture, 1:5, 60% alcohol) during the whole tick season? Or is it better to take it spread during the day? Would it be okay for a little one to take eleuthero for about 6-8 months a year? In case she’s bitten again and get symptoms, could I add anyway eleuthero to the core protocol for a 3 year old? Thank you again for any information on that, the plants are fantastic!

Stephen’s response:
I rarely give anything to children and then only if they can’t seem to shake it by themself. Their immune systems are pretty strong and so it takes less to throw off an infection and less to support immune health.

The bee products you mention are great, the only other thing I might add to help prevent lyme reinfection is astragalus. It will keep her immune function high and it is a food grade herb, that is, it can be taken long term and is in China by many families as part of their cooking. I would just have it as part of a general health plan all year long.

If reinfection does occur the protocol should help her throw it off quickly, as it did last time, and probably faster.

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posted on April 9, 2007 in astragalus, children/teens, eleutherococcus, Herbs, Lyme, lyme recovery, prevention, recent tick bites, Transmission

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