
Dear Stephen,
What is your opinion about the efficacy and safety of cumanda as a treatment for lyme neuroborreliosis?

Stephen’s response:
I am not deeply familar with cumanda. The material I have read is thinner than I would like to make a general recommendation for its use in borrelia infection. The primary concern I have with a lot of herbal antibacterials is that they are not as heavily systemic as needed to successfully treat borrelia. Because borrelia goes so deeply into hard to reach areas most antibiotics including herbal simply cannot reach the bacteria. The primary exception to this are antimalarial herbs which do spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. Cumanda does not really fit into this category. This is not to say it cannot work, but I just have not seen enough data on it to feel comfortable commenting more positively.
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posted on May 10, 2007 in cowden herbs, Herbs, neuro/brain fog, Symptoms

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