
I’ve been treating lyme for over a year now with antibiotics, and have made 85% progress. The last two months I’ve been using AVE for mycoplasma, and that seems to give me a little boost. However, over the holidays I overexerted myself and feel that I’m relapsing. I suspect I have a babesia infection as well because my illness started with profuse sweating, high fever, and chills. I can’t seem to tolerate malerone, plaquenil, and alinia for babesia. They give me severe emotional herxes. My question: Can I take cryptolepis with antibiotics such as Ceftin? What about Flagyl? Will the alcohol content in the tincture make me sick? What is the dosing for cryptolepis? I will probably have to ramp up since I’m sensitive to most meds and herbs. Knotweed makes me dizzy. Should I treat with cryptolepis separately, staying off antibiotics for a couple of weeks? I’ve been the Cowden route with cumanda, burbur, banderol and enula, but I didn’t find them that effective. What in your experience works best? Thank you for reply.
Yes, you can take cryptolepis with pharmaceuticals. Check with Kate Gilday at for dosages. If knotweed does not work, try stephania instead, you can get it from Kate as well. She has worked closely with people using cryptolepis and can answer your questions as to specifics.
posted on November 11, 2009 in babesia, Co-Infections, cryptolepis, Herbs
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