Cryptolepis revisited

Dear Stephen,
Hope you had a joyful, relaxing vacation. I would like to know why you have said not to take cryptolepis for more then 30 days. I understand you feel it is more like a strong drug. Is this true? Could you also post new thoughts on how to take it. Scale down I hear. If it is so strong, any problem with candida? Peace & many blessings to you.

Stephen’s response:
The reason for my reticence is the strength of the herb and the fact that I am unaware of any studies looking at long term use of the herb. I do think it could be used longer in lower doses once the high dose over 30 days has occurred. And no, there are no problems with candida that I am aware of.
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posted on September 7, 2007 in cryptolepis, Herbs

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