Cistus incanus

Dear Stephen,
What do you think of Cistus incanus for lyme? I am drinking Cistus incanus tea (Dr. Pandalis brand) that my friend sent me from Berlin. In Berlin they saw a TV program about a lyme patient, severely afflicted, partially paralyzed, who greatly improved by drinking a lot of tea of Cistus incanus. Probably Rock Rose in English, Zistrose in German. Long European tradition. Hardy to 10 degrees F. Sold as pills or tea on 3 German “Naturheilkunde” websites.

Stephen’s response:
The plant is well known because it exhudes a sap or gum that is highly antibacterial and antifungal. It is sometimes thought of as being the Balm of Gilead spoken of in the bible. In truth, most herbs will help to some extent for lyme. This is because lyme affects so many systems of the body and resides in so many places in the body.
Lyme sufferers have used a huge number of different antibacterial herbs, all of them with some success. However, in my opinion only those antibacterial herbs that are strongly systemic, that is, ones that are carried in the blood to all parts of the body, are likely to work for most people with lyme. So, this herb will help, but I am doubtful that it can reach lyme spirochetes that are sequestered in hard to reach parts of the body.
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posted on September 3, 2007 in Herbs, miscellaneous

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