Bone pain

Dear Stephen,
I live in Holland and have had lyme disease for 2.5 years (with no co-infections). I am very sick. I am happy I found your protocol and have used it for 2 months, except for the andrographis which caused an allergic reaction. There is some small progress. There is one symptom that I have not seen written about anywhere. All my bones hurt when there is pressure on them. When I lay in my bed my hipbone and ribs hurt, for example. Can you explain what causes this pain and is there something I can do about it? I would love to hug again without pain. Thank you very much for your inspiration.

Stephen’s response:
This is often a problem with lyme and other chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue. I found a strong tea of boneset helped a lot. For nearly a year I used a combination of reishi mushroom and boneset tea.
Cut 1/4 of a reishi mushroom into smallish pieces, add a small handful of boneset and mix with 4 cups water. Bring to a boil, cook slowly until the liquid is reduced by half, cool and drink. Do so daily. It is bitter so honey is of help.
I also found ashwaghanda herb to be helpful. However, the primary thing was the boneset for me.
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posted on September 19, 2007 in boneset, Herbs, muscle/skeletal/joint, Symptoms

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