Babesia without lyme

Dear Stephen,
Please help me. I have gained forty pounds due to hypothyroid lyme. I just started coconut oil for the inflammation and myriad of symptoms including a painful left knee, and shocks throughout my body. The parasites flow the way my blood does. On the right side of my head I have seizure activity, like one is on a jackhammer. A lot of my pain is left side pain. I have had vertigo, diplopia, ear pain, memory problems and words that I read and then must reread because I know it is not comprehensively sound, and trouble breathing. I had a lesion on my arm fifteen years ago….Tests show I have significant high levels of babesia, but no lyme.

Stephen’s response:
Dosages as in the lyme book if they are not listed:
Huperzine A
Ginkgo (standardized)
Cryptolepis tincture 1 tsp 3x daily (
Western skunk cabbage tincture (my preference over the eastern variety, you will have to Google for a supplier) ½ dropper to 6x daily for breathing
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posted on February 9, 2011 in babesia, Co-Infections, cryptolepis, heart/lung, Herbs, hormonal issues, neuro/brain fog, Symptoms

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