Artesunate inhibits XMRV retrovirus?

I just read on CFS specialist Dr. Paul Cheney’s website: “Before we learned that Artesunate might inhibit XMRV via NF Kappa B inhibition in August of 2009, we were aware that Artesunate was a known inhibitor of all known human herpes viruses against which it has been tested as well as HIV. I was first introduced to Artesunate by a prominent Autism expert at a medical conference who finds it helpful in Autism. We were also impressed that Artesunate and its relative Wormwood, using SL administration on the echo table, produced the most powerful ablation of oxygen toxicity as well as the ablation of other echoterrain map (ETM) backflashes than any other therapy we have ever used. Both Artesunate and Wormwood will do this in 30 seconds.” Can you comment on this, as many with lyme also have ME/CFS. You usually recommend cryptolepis over artemisinin for treating babesia but in light of the above info, would you recommend artesunate for those with ME/CFS in addition to lyme? Thanks!!
Artesunate is a derivative of artemisinin; it may be helpful for babesia. In my opinion there are a great many causes of ME/CFS, not one and there is no one treatment that will be efficacious for its healing. Many people with lyme have CFS because as with all chronic diseases, the immune system is so overloaded that it is taking much of the body’s energy for its own use, hence the fatigue. Eleuthero and astragalus are the best things I have found, though for some people with lyme astragalus is not indicated. I would hesitate to use wormwood and its derivatives as a blanket cure for CFS. It is highly antimicrobial; its clearing of microbial infection is one reason it may help CFS.
posted on July 20, 2010 in artemisinin, Co-Infections, Herbs, viral infections
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