About to go on Cowden protocol

Hello. I have had MCS for 15 years (along with CFIDS and FM). The last six years I have also had uveitis (iritis) in one eye. Desperately searching for anything to clear this up, as I am still on steroid drops daily to keep it under control and it is wrecking my eyesight. I tried the Marshall Protocol for 1.5 years, and had to drop the antibiotics after 13 months. However, I am still on the Benicar at a slightly higher dose than normal (60mg, 40mg being the prescribed dose), divided into 20mg doses and taken every 8 hrs, forming a “blockade” of the vitamin D receptors, as the MP suggests, for easier killing of pathogens. My eye won’t let me reduce it down further, so kind of stuck on that for the time being.
Stephania is specific for uveitis, you might try that. Glad the cumanda is helping. Try the eleutherococcus for the tiredness.
posted on August 9, 2009 in cowden herbs, eyes/ears/nose/mouth, Herbs, stephania root, Symptoms
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