About to go on Cowden protocol

Dear Stephen,
Hello. I have had MCS for 15 years (along with CFIDS and FM). The last six years I have also had uveitis (iritis) in one eye. Desperately searching for anything to clear this up, as I am still on steroid drops daily to keep it under control and it is wrecking my eyesight. I tried the Marshall Protocol for 1.5 years, and had to drop the antibiotics after 13 months. However, I am still on the Benicar at a slightly higher dose than normal (60mg, 40mg being the prescribed dose), divided into 20mg doses and taken every 8 hrs, forming a “blockade” of the vitamin D receptors, as the MP suggests, for easier killing of pathogens. My eye won’t let me reduce it down further, so kind of stuck on that for the time being.

Stephen’s response:
Stephania is specific for uveitis, you might try that. Glad the cumanda is helping. Try the eleutherococcus for the tiredness.
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posted on August 9, 2009 in cowden herbs, eyes/ears/nose/mouth, Herbs, stephania root, Symptoms

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