Q fever with lyme

I received a late report, following a lyme diagnosis this summer, that I’ve had chronic Q Fever. Your books don’t address it, and it doesn’t appear to be diagnosed often. What herbs might you be aware of that will help eradicate this infection, in addition to the lyme protocol? I seem to carry mixed chronic streps and had been using berberine-based herbs effectively for this before suddenly falling very sick. I don’t favor medications, but have been on thyroid and hormone therapies for years, and was put on Actos to help readjust and restore immune function within weeks of sudden severe onset of symptoms. I’ve resumed oral chelation with frequent low dosing, as well. Since combined Q Fever, heavy metals, and known genetic risks appear to be the root of 18 years of chronic illness, I hope a thorough approach to Q Fever will turn more of this around. Thanks for any suggestions.
For Q-fever I would suggest cryptolepis tincture (woodlandessence.com) 1 tsp 3x daily for 3 months and acupuncture. Then retest. Acupuncture has been of great benefit in treating Q-fever. If you have heart involvement you will need to address that directly as it can be quite dangerous – your query doesn’t mention it. I would highly recommend a regimen to raise your immune function, especially with herbs that help heart function. Astragalus is tops in that realm. So, astragalus, eleuthero, and ashwaghanda would be my suggestions to begin with.
posted on November 9, 2010 in bacterial infections, Co-Infections
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