Weakening immunity with antibiotics

Dear Stephen,
I began taking antibiotics for lyme and bartonella 2 1/2 years ago. At times, I have taken breaks from the antibiotics and switched to your herbal protocol, but I always begin to have scary/dangerous symptoms that don’t seem controlled by the herbs and thus go back on the antibiotics. However, I also feel that over time the antibiotics are weakening my immune system and I’m acquiring new secondary infections. I’m not sure what to do as the herbs don’t seem strong enough to carry me through without the antibiotic support. Do you find it effective for people to pulse herbs/antibiotics if they’re not able to wean off of antibiotics? In other words, a week of herbs/a week of antibiotics or some similar protocol (and what would be the best way to do this)? Also, it seems that sometimes people do better on the herbs once the worst stages of lyme and coinfections have passed, several years into antibiotic treatment. At what point is it safe for severe cases to switch to herbs as a maintenance treatment (i.e. should one be symptom free a certain period of time?) Thanks!

Stephen’s response:
I am not a fan of pulsing except in rare instances (with some forms of eleuthero and echinacea). Many people who have used antibiotics for years go directly to the herbal protocol with good results, most experience major relief. Given your responses I would suggest you work with a practitioner, either Julie Mcintyre (julie@gaianstudies.org) or Tim Scott at Watercourse Way in Brattleboro, VT.
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posted on July 26, 2010 in antibiotics, autoimmune/immune, buhner herbalists, Miscellaneous, Symptoms, The Basics

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