Stephania and Wobenzym N

Dear Stephen,
I have three questions for you: 1) Can all 6 of the lyme herbs be taken together 3x/day? With or without food or does it matter? 2) I planned on starting with stephania tincture and then transitioning to capsules. What dose do you recommend starting at and graduating to on the tincture? On the capsules? 3) I have been taking Wobenzym N in conjunction with homeopathy drops for borrelia and 3 coinfections. The wobenzym helps decrease herx reactions and allows me to breathe better. Should I continue with the wobenzym or will the herbs be enough to control die-off reactions? Your book gives me hope…thank you, thank you, thank you.

Stephen’s response:
1) Yes, it’s okay for the herbs to be taken together. Food is not necessary, it just depends on your GI response.
2) I prefer tinctures with stephania, at a dose of 1/2 tsp 3x day and increasing to 1 tsp daily.
3) Keep on the Wobenzym, it sounds like it is helping.
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posted on December 15, 2009 in Herb Reactions, Herbs, HERXHEIMER REACTION, stephania root, The Basics, when/how to take

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