Sarsaparilla maximum upper dosage

Is there a maximum dosage for smilax? I’ve worked up to 10 grams a day in a decoction and an unexpected benefit is that it seems to be clearing my lungs of congestion that I didn’t even realize was such a problem. I can now breathe deeper. I would like to go higher to see if I can get any more relief but thought I’d better check with what you consider to be a safe upper limit. I’ve read recently of a clinical study in China using 60-150 g in combination with scutellaria b, stephania t, and artemisia to treat syphilis and leptospirosis. Although I don’t plan on going that high, how high do you think I could safely go?
I consider smilax a food grade herb and the Chinese do use large doses with safety and have for millennia. I don’t know what the upper limit would be—like anything, inching up on it is best and then decreasing the dose if you hit side effects.
posted on December 22, 2009 in dosage info, heart/lung, Herbs, sarsaparilla, Symptoms, The Basics
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