Newbie needs help

Dear Stephen,
I FEEL I have lyme…I just bought the Healing Lyme book and all 4 core herbs, but nowhere in the book does it say when to take the herbs (all at same time?) so I’m stuck, and I can’t find any information online. Also I’m afraid because it seems things have changed since the book came out, like whether to take andrographis or not. I really need help because my lyme is neurological and it looked like I had ALS, MS, brain tumor, stroke, Bell’s palsy, etc. and the doctors couldn’t help. They never mentioned lyme, and after losing my job and spending thousands on useless health insurance and other things, I’m broke and just could barely afford the 4 herbs. I’ve been sick since July 2008, possibly bit in December 2006, so it was about 19 months later. One day I was completely lost on way to work, a week after that I had complete numbness and dysphagia (strokelike) where I couldn’t swallow and was gagging on my own spit. My brain MRI and CAT scans were “normal.” The dysphagia has now improved 95% … I eat/drink in my own modified way. Doctors didn’t help at all and even told me it was in my head and ran no tests at all for any neurological disorders.

Stephen’s response:
Take all the herbs at the same time, 3x daily. The andrographis is fine to take, there are just some side effects for some people so caution is indicated. The best thing for neuro lyme is the knotweed. If you are financially challenged I would recommend you take cat’s claw, knotweed (resveratrol), and the eleuthero tincture as per the dosages in the book. If you wish you can dig your own knotweed root; it grows pretty much every where. Dry it and grind in a blender and take 1 tbl 3x daily.
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posted on May 5, 2010 in andrographis, Herbs, japanese knotweed, neuro/brain fog, Symptoms, The Basics, when/how to take, wild-harvesting

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