Autonomic Response Testing (ART)/muscle testing

Dear Stephen,
Can you tell me what your thoughts are on Autonomic Response Testing (ART)/muscle testing? Over the last 25 years I’ve had numerous people, some so called experts, MD’s etc. do some form of muscle testing/ART (people trained by Dr. Klinghardt) and Vohl, and give me a diagnosis based on this intervention. I’ve never found any benefit for me—I’ve taken all the suggestions with no change (wasted precious money and time). I just want to follow your treatment protocol in your book, yet people are always claiming it’s important to “check” if the body wants it, etc. but is this dependent on the clarity/health of the practitioner? The ones who practice ART/muscle testing/vohl/pendulum, swear by it. The ones who don’t say it’s bogus. Any thoughts?

Stephen’s response:
I have had such mixed results from muscle testing that I don’t go there much myself. That being said I have seen a few practitioners that are pretty remarkable at it. The factors involved in muscle testing are complex and like any tool, its elegance depends on the excellence of the practitioner. Remember: 50% of all healers you meet graduated in the bottom half of their class. So, yes it is dependent on the clarity of the practitioner.
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posted on May 7, 2007 in dosage info, The Basics

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