Low dosing of herbs effective?

Dear Stephen,
In your book you advocate fairly high doses of herbs. If ART testing reveals my body only wants 100 mg daily of artemisinin and only 400 mg andrographis in six doses (six caps a day) would this still be effective for killing lyme? I don’t want to overdo it, but on the other hand I don’t want to put the bugs in a position of developing resistance or just taking such a low dose of herbs that it’s ineffective. Thanks.

Stephen’s response:
Go with what seems right for your body. Artemisinin should only be used short term, that is, 30-40 days. If it doesn’t clear by then it probably will not with artemisinin. I would then use cryptolepis tincture 1 tsp 3x daily for 14-30 days. (Available from Woodland Essence in NY state.)
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posted on February 26, 2007 in dosage info, The Basics

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