Healing lyme?

Your book is called Healing Lyme. Does this mean you can be completely healed of chronic lyme from your protocol? I have been very ill and bedridden for almost 2 years with no help from antibiotics. I have recently started looking into and trying herbs and also a raw food diet with juicing. I have started to feel better after 2 years of 24/7 suffering and ready to give up. BUT I am on a mission to completely heal that is my ultimate goal and I will not give up until I reach that goal. So, can you HEAL lyme with your protocol or does it just suppress symptoms? I have read of people becoming symptomatic again after stopping your protocol. Thank you!
From what I have seen over the past years about 70-80% of people clear it completely using the protocol, 10-20% continue to need some sort of supportive protocol, that is, the symptoms are gone while on it but return to some extent if it is discontinued completely, and about 5-10% don’t respond to the protocol.
posted on November 7, 2009 in chronic lyme, is protocol working?, Lyme, The Basics
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