Biopure tincture dosages

Dear Stephen,
I know you have been asked this question before about conversions from whole herb to tincture and I know you prefer the whole herb, but I already have the Biopure tinctures of both andrographis and Japanese knotweed. I was given the herbs in tincture form from my doctor before I was aware of Healing Lyme. As I did more research, I found that many of the herbs that I was taking were from your book. Anyway, I was wondering if you could provide a number of drops to be taken per day. At this point I am taking 16 drops of each herb, twice per day, but I think I could be taking more. I also just started taking stephania 1/2 tsp twice per day and I am waiting on the cat’s claw and boneset tea (for bartonella) to come in the mail. I have been diagnosed with lyme, babesia (supposedly gone from artemesinin treatment), bartonella, and CMV. I am a highly active lyme patient with some bladder problems, burning pains, ulnar neuropathy, and optic nerve symptoms including visual trails. Despite this I live a relatively “normal” life. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Stephen’s response:
Use 1/2 tsp 3x daily and see how that works for you.
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posted on August 31, 2010 in dosage info, The Basics, tinctures/decoctions

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