Andrographis / order of herbs

Dear Stephen,
I decided to begin your core lyme protocol by waiting 3 days after beginning one herb before starting the next one, so that if I had any kind of reaction, I would know what herb I was reacting to. Within less than an hour of taking the first dose of andrographis, I felt more nervous than I have ever felt in my life. I wasn’t sure the andrographis was causing it, and took another dose several hours later. The same thing happened. I waited over a week and tried again—the same thing happened. My M.D. says the lyme is in my nervous system. Your book says andrographis can act both as an antispirochetal and a calming agent. Do you have any thoughts on what might be going on? It seems to make me the polar opposite of calm. And is my approach of beginning the herbs several days apart a good one? Thanks.

Stephen’s response:
Your decision to take the herbs one at a time to see how you respond is brilliant, a very good way to check your system.

Andrographis is the one herb in the protocol that can cause side effects that can be uncomfortable. I would suggest starting with Japanese knotweed, then cat’s claw, then eleutherococcus, and only then adding in the andrographis.

The knotweed will act to reduce the inflammation in the nervous system and that should help your nervous system deal with the andrographis. Still, it may be that you are one of the few for whom the herb does not work well, your approach will let you know this as you go on. The other herbs in the protocol will act to reduce the lyme symptoms considerably or even totally, even without the andrographis.

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posted on February 4, 2007 in andrographis, anxiety, Herb Reactions, Herbs, The Basics, when/how to take

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