Comments on: Bad reaction to artemisinin an herbal protocol for lyme and co-infections Wed, 29 Feb 2012 01:59:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin admin Mon, 05 Sep 2011 23:16:48 +0000 Thanks for sharing your experience here, Bob. Will look forward to your update. I hope you are feeling better soon! Best, Julie Thanks for sharing your experience here, Bob. Will look forward to your update. I hope you are feeling better soon! Best, Julie

By: Bob Root Dsylvestris) Bob Root Dsylvestris) Mon, 05 Sep 2011 22:43:16 +0000 I too am having the same stiffing feelings in my lungs. Waking around 0200 am and unable to go back to sleep that night and sometimes until 2200 hours the next evening. Two things 1: have been taking the whole herb artemisinin. 2: Taking a potassium supplement. Those two things have begun just before the current episodes. I have discontinued the Sweet Annua, now after reading this post; but how about the potassium? Will report back if the curtailment of Artemisinin remedies the situation. Also, if stopping the Potassium supplement is helpful. Bob I too am having the same stiffing feelings in my lungs. Waking around 0200 am and unable to go back to sleep that night and sometimes until 2200 hours the next evening. Two things 1: have been taking the whole herb artemisinin. 2: Taking a potassium supplement. Those two things have begun just before the current episodes. I have discontinued the Sweet Annua, now after reading this post; but how about the potassium?

Will report back if the curtailment of Artemisinin remedies the situation. Also, if stopping the Potassium supplement is helpful.

